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The Gang

Main pics of the gang!

How creul! They turned Puu into a beach ball! Animal Cruelty!
It's Hiei!

Hiei is falling off the bike. Heheh
Andy told me that Kuwabara looks really freaky in this picture and i agree

it's the fox dude (still can't remember his name i think ill ask Adan) now i don't have cause it just popped in Kurama
Hiei and his sister who is Kuwabara's girlfriend. Will Kuwabara ever find this out? We may never know

Hiei is so cute!
Kurama to the rescue!

Whoa. they sure do look stupid
Kurama in his human form (looks alot sexier in his other form)

You must be tired!
i think their supposed to be in that counfusing house that Yuskea was taken to


That must of hurt
Hi Kako!

It's the much much younger Genkia

the teenage version of Koema

a awsome picture of the guys
Kurama and his two forms

it's Kuwabara
Kako looks so cute

Can i keep him? PLEASE!

Yuskea looks alot better when his hair is not styled

What on earth is she doing?!